The teen years are characterized by rapid growth and change. During this time, young people begin trying out different activities and identities. They may be influenced by media or their peers. Unfortunately, this period of experimentation is often characterized by substance abuse.
There are a few fast facts that you should know about teen substance use.
- The teenage years are a time of rapid growth and maturation. Substance use negatively impacts physical and mental development.
- Drinking and using drugs increase the risk of other behaviors, such as unprotected sex or driving under the influence.
- The earlier a person begins using drugs or alcohol, the higher their risk of dependence and addiction.
- Using substances during this critical period can impact your child’s prospects in college, sports, extracurriculars and their personal life.
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends screening for substance use in children as young as nine years old. This policy emerged in collaboration with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which observed earlier and earlier substance abuse among pre-teens and teenagers. You can hold an age-appropriate discussion with your child at any point.
If you suspect that your teenager has begun to misuse drugs or alcohol, resources are available. First, read over the signs of teen substance abuse. If you have observed these symptoms in your child, we can help.
ARCH Academy is an alternative school for teen boys. We help your child to break the cycle of substance abuse through evidence-based best practices. With caring staff, engaging activities and an accredited approach, we help families find recovery.
Contact our admissions office for your confidential assessment.
Teen substance use significantly increases your child’s risk of adult health problems, including high blood pressure, sleep disorders, heart disease and substance use disorder.