

Read our addiction treatment blog posts for regular ARCH Academy news, recovery lessons, and online resources.

psychosis in teens
Feb 17, 2022

Is Psychosis Permanent? 

Psychosis is a mental health symptom that changes the way the brain interprets information. This condition can cause visual, auditory or sensory hallucinations or make people believe delusional, irrational things. Because these phenomena can be terrifying, people experiencing psychotic breaks...

social anxiety teen
Feb 3, 2022

How to Help a Teenager With...

Alongside the hormonal and emotional changes that accompany puberty, many teenagers develop social anxiety between the ages of 11 and 19. Social anxiety goes beyond mere shyness and introversion. It is a mental health disorder that can significantly interfere with...

Jan 20, 2022

How Self-Image Influences Adolescent Alcohol Use

Self-perception and body image are crucial, particularly during the teen years. The rapid changes that occur during puberty can influence how adolescents view themselves and others, with implications for teenagers of all gender identities.  While disordered behavior around eating and...

Jan 6, 2022

Alateen: Support for Siblings

One of the most insidious things about addiction is its impact on everyone in the substance user’s life. Watching a sibling struggle with his mental health and well-being can make you feel helpless or anxious. The chronic stress will gradually...

teen depression
Dec 23, 2021

Signs of Depression in Teens

Parenting a teen can be a challenging mix of wanting to keep your child safe while giving them space to learn, grow and make mistakes. During the roller coaster of adolescence, you might wonder whether your son is experiencing typical...

teen drinking and driving
Dec 9, 2021

Consequences of Drinking and Driving

The reckless decision to get behind the wheel after drinking alcohol can have severe repercussions in every state, including jail time, community service, expensive fines and driver’s license suspension. Teens who get arrested for underaged drinking and driving can face...

Nov 24, 2021

My Son Is Cutting Himself

Grappling with complex emotions is a typical part of life – particularly during adolescence, when life takes so many twists and turns. Part of developing emotional maturity involves learning coping skills to fall back on when events seem overwhelming. However,...

delta-8 teen boy
Nov 11, 2021

Teen Using Delta-8

Marijuana is the world’s most widely used illicit drug, and its use links with various mental health issues, especially among younger people. The best-known result of marijuana use occurs due to tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, a compound that acts upon brain...

mental health
Oct 28, 2021

Most Common Mental Health Disorders in...

The teen years are emotionally challenging, characterized by various physical, mental and social changes that may transform your formerly happy, active son into a person you no longer recognize at times. Withdrawal, sullenness and unpredictable mood swings are all characteristics...