Arch Academy
We work directly with your family to design a treatment program tailored to your teen’s needs. Learn more about our admissions procedures, accepted insurances, and what to expect.
1. Call
The first step is to find help for your teen. The ARCH Academy admissions team will walk you through the process of determining the optimal program of care for him. By working closely with parents, our staff identifies the path to recovery that will work best for his emotional, physical, and academic needs.
2. Plan
Before dropping your teen off at our facility, you can verify your insurance coverage and financial obligations with our team. Those staff members will also provide information about what to expect when your teen is in our care, what you should back, and how you can get involved.
3. recover
It is our goal to make the admission experience for substance abuse treatment as comfortable and simple as possible for those individuals seeking recovery.
Our highly trained admissions counselors are dedicated to assisting you through each step of the process.
It’s important to note that first call is about getting you know you and your teen’s needs. We don’t have to make any decisions during that first call. We are here to listen.
If you’re comfortable, we will conduct a pre-screen to assure that we are the right fit for your teen. For those that meet admission criteria, we can typically admit as quickly as 24-48 hrs. If for some reason your teen does not meet the pre-screen requirements, we will help you with referrals for appropriate care.
Once you complete the telephone pre-screen and we verify your benefits, you will receive a financial call from one of our financial advisors to answer any questions you may have. We are very transparent about financial obligations and will work with you to figure out best options for payment.
A face-to-face assessment will then be set up. Your teen will receive a comprehensive assessment with an admissions counselor which helps us determine the appropriate course for treatment. Accompanying family members or friends will meet independently with an admissions staff member for a brief interview and to have any questions answered regarding treatment.
- We are in network with over 40 commercial insurances which sets us apart from other residential programs.
- While insurance varies plan to plan and on each individuals case, our goal is to have insurance cover as many of the first 30 days as possible
- With certain plans we are able to utilize insurance benefits for our Extended Care program as well to help with the cost.
In the event that you and your treatment team recommend a length of stay greater than what your insurance will authorize, Cumberland Heights offers self-pay rates that are discounted from our published rates and very competitive with other nationally respected treatment centers.
- Program transfers will likely need consults from ARCH Admission and or Administration staff. Transfers from programs that provide similar care as our Phase 1 will be considered for our $25,000 rate for 40 days, this allows 10 days for us to assess readiness for the Phase two, includes psychiatric evaluation, 12-Step instruction for those coming from a non-12-Step program. Common programs that fit this would be: completion of a substance abuse primary program, completion of wilderness program, completion of a longer-term program in which substance abuse still needs to be addressed. If the teen relapsed in any of these programs the full Phase 1 program may be recommended. Please note that we can take more time to assess these cases and gather information to make the best informed recommendation. This includes speaking to the referring program, previous therapists and any other collateral information.
- Teens seeking treatment from lesser level of treatment programming, such as therapeutic boarding schools, IOP, or similar LOC will be admitted for the full Phase 1 program.
- Teens that left ARCH Academy and relapsed within 30 days will be assessed for LOC.
- Physicians’ services are billed separately through CHPA. Prescriptions unrelated to detox are forwarded to an outside pharmacy for your convenience and will be billed to your insurance for you. Most medications can be brought with you to treatment and will be reviewed by your attending physician.
Phase One
Primary/Assessment: 30 days: $30,000 or $1,000 per day.
Phase two
ARCH Academy Traditional Program: 4-6 months (progress dependent): $15,000 per month or $500 per day.
phase three
Transition: 1-2 months: Same as Phase 2: $15,000 per month or $500 per day.
- Schoolbooks (Education staff will hold these)
- Copy of immunization records
- If applicable- custodial paperwork
- Prescribed medications (stimulants and narcotics not allowed)
- Pictures of immediate family
- Clear water bottle
- 7-10 days worth of clothing (staff will provide laundry detergent), we suggest a combination of everyday clothes, a couple sets of dressier clothing for offsite activities, and athletic wear (however, no tank tops allowed).
- Some suggested items: tennis shoes, sandals/flip flops, hoodies and rain jacket
- Aerosol products
- Alcohol free mouthwash that is opened or unsealed
- Body jewelry that is extra or unused
- Alcohol or drug logos on clothing
- Books (must be approved by primary counselor)
- Cash
- Cell phones, camcorders, and/or cameras (if bought items will be sealed and locked up until discharge)
- Cleaning supplies – Lysol, hand sanitizer, air freshener etc.
- Clothes hangers (wire and plastic)
- Cologne and Perfume
- Detergent and fabric softener
- Drug paraphernalia
- Dryer sheets
- Food and Beverages (gum only)
- Gels and Liquids containing alcohol
- Hemp (jewelry and hygiene products)
- Lighters/matches
- Magazines/Newspapers
- Markers (Sharpies, etc.)
- Mechanical pencils
- Mouthwash/Aftershave/Hairspray (unless it says “alcohol-free”)
- Musical Instruments (may have after presentation of 1st Step)
- Nail clippers/Tweezers (put in Sharps drawer)
- Nail polish/nail polish remover
- Photographs that depict drug/alcohol use or sexually explicit situations
- Puzzles/games/arts and crafts
- Radios, TV’s, CDs, DVDs, iPods, computers, or any other electronic devices (take to Medical)
- Razors (disposable/bladed/safety razors) Electric razors only!
- Sexually explicit material of any kind (including writing on clothing)
- Shaving cream
- Stuffed animals
- Tank top clothing
- Tobacco products
- Weapons
Once your teen is admitted to ARCH Academy he will be welcomed with an introduction huddle of his peers and the staff that will be working with him. They will be provided with a detailed orientation so they fully understands the program and expectations. Your teen will be connected with their primary therapist and an intensive treatment planning interview will take place to navigate your teen’s treatment. You will be contacted by their primary therapist for introductions and further information gathering that will be incorporated into their treatment.
Your teen will be calling you after their 4th day in treatment. Your counselor will work with you to establish a time for the call. You will also be asked to participate in weekly family sessions with your teen and counselor. The family program counselor will call you during that first week of admission and invite you to the intensive family program. The visitation schedule will be explained to you by your counselor. Family visitation occurs once your child is in Phase Two, and will typically occur on the 3rd Saturday of the month. Further details will be provided to you in your parent handbook at the time of admission.
Does your teen appear to live a double or secret life? Does your teen appear to have a long reason for everything and finds a way to blames others frequently? Have they become less and less motivated? Do consequences not seem to have an impact on their behavior or attitude?
Maybe it’s likely that your teen needs professional help and further assessment is recommended.
I went through ARCH when I was 17 years old. Not only did they help me turn my life around, but they also helped me get my relationship back with my family. The staff there was so amazing. This place saved my life.