What a difference a year makes. Last March, ARCH Academy (Adolescent Recovery of Cumberland Heights) was operating on the main campus of Cumberland Heights in a state of uncertainty, much like the rest of the nation. The excitement of plans to open a brand-new premier adolescent facility, several years in the making was threatened by the ever-changing landscape of COVID-19. Nevertheless, the mission of Cumberland Heights, to “transform lives, giving hope and healing to those affected by alcohol or drug addiction” was paramount, and safely relocating the youth program was executed on April 1st, 2020.
Evolving the Cumberland Heights youth program into ARCH Academy was essential in connecting more adolescents and families to recovery than ever before. With our increased census, length of stay and campus setting, teens with substance abuse and mental health issues were afforded a healing place of their own, to discover their true nature, unmasked and unclouded by substance use. Although the transition presented unique sets of circumstances, ARCH Academy continued to provide exceptional services that were pioneered on our main campus since 1985.
Excitement permeates the air as we approach our 1-year anniversary! Currently, the flowers are blooming, the horses are neighing, and the zip lines are zipping! Our outdoor therapeutic elements are a popular choice for groups and the art therapy room is decorated with the many clay sculptures crafted in pottery. On any given day you can hear the familiar sounds of 12-step groups or music therapy emanating from the outdoor gazebo. What was once at first many small contrived steps forward has now become continuous momentum in the flywheel. Residents and families alike are benefitting from results envisioned by leadership at the beginning.
Our hope in the years to come is to celebrate with all who read this. For staff, residents, families, our community, referents and friends to walk on our campus and experience the spiritual nature, together. We have been so blessed by all who have helped make this program possible and cannot wait to share it with you. To our alumni, you have brought life into this program and will forever be apart of the ARCH Academy brotherhood. To our community, thank you for welcoming us and accepting us with the grace you have shown. To our donors who turned our vision of creating a beautiful space for struggling teens to heal into a reality. To another year of planting the seed, giving hope and healing, re-uniting families and helping to save lives! ARCH Academy leaves you with a quote from the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous “We shall be with you in the Fellowship of the Spirit, and you will surely meet some of us as you trudge the Road of Happy Destiny. May God bless you and keep you – until then”.